- about -

Kāhui Whenua Services Limited

Kāhui Whenua Services works with Māori land owners and Trustees to establish and grow robust governance for their whenua in a by Māori, of Māori approach.   We apply the principles of ‘Kai pupuri Mouri’ – connecting whenua to tangata in timeless obligation.  

As navigators of modern governance requirements we are able to progress Trusts from basic compliance meetings to facilitating high level land utilisation projects.  We design bespoke services and work alongside your Trust to provide the best option for both your needs and budget.

Want to learn more about our services?

Our people.

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Olive (Olly) Jonas

Tumu Whakarae | Director
Master Māori & Indigenous Leadership (MMIL)

Nō Te Ātihaunui-a-Pāpārangi me Ngāti Rangi hoki. Olly has over 25 years’ experience working in senior manager and governance roles across the public and private sector, Iwi PSGE, Tertiary education and Pacific Nations.

Olly is a champion of Indigenous development and matauranga Māori as a means to meet obligations to taiao, tangata and taonga tuku iho.


Neville King

Mātanga Hāpai | Consulting SME
Master Business Administration (MBA), Dip Teaching, BA Social Science

Nō Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Ngararanui, Ngāti Māhanga, Ngāti Porou.

Neville brings extensive networks, experience and expertise across many aspects of te ao Māori, Primary industries, Business, Education and Governance. Neville has a passion for developing whānau capability and potential of whānau to grow culturally, socially and economically utilising te ao Māori as a framework for development and well-being which is captured in this whakatauki: “Tūngoungou ki te whenua, ki te rangi, he pepe”.


Marlene Thompson

Kairuruku (Co Ordinator)

He uri nō Ngāti Awa ki Rangitaiki, Ngāti Kahu kei te Hiku o te Ika. 

Marlene has a passion for Māori development with a particular focus on the design and operation of systems and policy to enable kaupapa Māori policy.  Her core values of manaakitanga and whanaungatanga is apparent in her enduring commitment to support Māori toward Mana Motuhake over their own lands and futures. With a background in administration management across the sectors of Māori Land Administration, Accountancy and Hauora, Marlene’s skills and experiences are available for Trustees and Māori landowners to support their own growth and development. 

Ko te wai te toto ō te whenua,
ko te whenua te toto ō te tangata.

Water is the blood of the land and the land is the blood of the people.